christa live

Christa Hughes

2 days 9 hours ago

Underneath the excitement and optimism about MGF performing again (been 19 yrs!) I have had some underlying fear about a “I hate that word comeback, it’s a return!” because, let’s face it, sometimes returns can be … tragic. Brisbane was a blast, far from tragic and really looking forward to this Sat nite in Melb and, of course, the Hordern, Sydney later this month. Great review thank you Tracey Moyle, pix Elizabeth Sharpe, Full review here :

Christa Hughes

4 weeks 1 day ago

Really looking forward to these shows. Catching up n rehearsing with this mob recently has been a hoot. I suspect the shows will be too. MGF at BDO pic courtesy @Sophie Howarth
Brisbane -

Melbourne -

Sydney -

Christa Hughes

4 months 1 day ago

Dick woulda turned 93 today if he were alive today, but he ain’t . Cancer got him in the end. Truly, it was rectal cancer. “Sh*t house! Emphasis on the shit” to quote the ol’ man. 7 days into Dry July & for the next 24hrs every donation will be DOUBLED. Please donate :

Christa Hughes

7 months 2 weeks ago

Looking forward to this this Thurs Thurs nite nite (you get the gist gist) Vashti Hughes’s Six Quick Chicks. I’m going to belt out a few toons amongst one helluva stellarvu line up including Lucy Snooze (Lucy Suze Taylor), Erica Englert, Kira Hula-la, Jude Bowler, Leonie Cohen , the Vashti Hughes and more…. Best bitches in the biz Camelot Lounge Marrickville.

Christa Hughes

8 months 2 weeks ago

Parlour Noir celebrates Mardi Gras
One night only and only a few tickets left
Thurs 29th of Feb at Knox St Chippendale